Apart from students attending our bases the Pilgrim School looks after 4-60 students who are taught at home due to their health issues. If we were able to add a custom set of fields as per the attached in the pupil's notes in pupil manager we woul...
Notifications to staff of cancelled cover arrangements and to staff and students of cancelled room closures
Staff currently only know if cover is cancelled when it falls off their timeline - a formal notification confirming that cover is no longer required would be extremely helpful. Ditto when a room closure takes place and staff and students are notif...
We often have events which need the Timetable to be suspended for part of a day, e.g. One year group for the afternoon. We can then use 'spare' teachers to cover lessons.
about 1 year ago
in Cover Manager
In Discovery
We use a number of external assessment systems like the CEM Centre's ALIS, MIDYIS and YELLIS testing, along with GL PTE and PTM scores. When we export data into those systems we include the iSAMS SchoolID so that when we want to import results int...
Email wizard, enable user to go back a step without losing email text
When contacting teachers through the wizard, once you have gone to the step of seeing the contacts, you can't get back to amend the message without losing it all. Please could this be changed so that you can go back a step without losing the work ...
In the Security Options for Pupil Manager, it would be really helpful to see User Groups ordered by name, rather than the current ordering which makes it extremely difficult to locate groups for editing, or to quickly identify whether a group need...
Most staff know other staff members by their forename/preferred name, and don't have access to the full HR Manager, only the Quick View Details in the Wizard Bar. It would therefore be really helpful if you could search by forename and preferred f...
about 1 month ago
in HR Manager
Awaiting Review
Ability to split the cover period into two and assign different teachers
We have hourly timetable periods but sometimes we need to split the period into two half hourly cover periods and assign different staff. This facility ensures that the relevant people are aware that they need to cover a class. Some of our staff a...
In the gradebook --> workbook view; we are able to pull the gender, form, year, house details next to the learner’s name but unable to pull through any another information a teacher may require while grading a learner. Eg: EAL, Gifted and Talen...
about 2 months ago
in Gradebooks
Good Feature