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Add Query Builder to HR Manager

Would be useful to all who have access. Personally I would like to be able to check records for certain or missing information.
Guest 10 months ago in HR Manager 5 In Discovery

Registration Present Codes needs to be available on Day view, week view, list view of registration manager

As per the school's need, we have created a few Registration Presence Codes. These Registration Present Codes needs to be available on Day view, week view, list view of registration manager for Bulk as well as individual record edit. These are ava...
Guest 14 days ago in Registration Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Register Alert Email - To have more placeholders

It would be really useful if iSAMS can enhance the Register Alert Email template by incorporating additional placeholders such as: 1. Subject ClassCode 2. Location/Class 3. Period Name Teachers will greatly benefit from this enhancement as it pr...
Guest 3 months ago in Registration Manager 1 In Discovery

Reason For Change - add before/after arrows for Date

In the Reason For Change tab, please add before/after arrows to the Date field, so that users can simply click on the arrows to go back or forward different days. At the moment, we need to click on the date field, click on the date required, then ...
Guest 8 days ago in Registration Manager 0 Awaiting Review

EYFS Attendance Pattern

Pupils below statutory school age are often part time pupils. When it comes to billing for those sessions it is difficult to track changes to expected attendance patterns within iSAMS, and being a school that starts at 10 months, going through to ...
Guest 15 days ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Audit trail and restrict who can delete events from Out of School

We want to know when an event was deleted from the Out of School Manager and the ability to restrict who can delete these events. Currently there is no audit trail for the Out of school list.
Guest 15 days ago in Registration Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Adding custom fields in pupil manager/pupil notes

Apart from students attending our bases the Pilgrim School looks after 4-60 students who are taught at home due to their health issues. If we were able to add a custom set of fields as per the attached in the pupil's notes in pupil manager we woul...
Guest 15 days ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Don't close open tickets so quickly!

I have open tickets with you from months ago, which have remained unanswered. And yet if I don't answer almost immediately, the ticket is closed and I have to start a fresh (albeit linked) ticket. I work during term time only apart from a few week...
Guest about 1 month ago in Administration 2

Prevent SchoolID starting with zero

We use a number of external assessment systems like the CEM Centre's ALIS, MIDYIS and YELLIS testing, along with GL PTE and PTM scores. When we export data into those systems we include the iSAMS SchoolID so that when we want to import results int...
Guest 16 days ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Order User Groups Alphabetically in Pupil Manager

In the Security Options for Pupil Manager, it would be really helpful to see User Groups ordered by name, rather than the current ordering which makes it extremely difficult to locate groups for editing, or to quickly identify whether a group need...
Guest 16 days ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review