When teachers input a particular grade, the entry box changes colour based on the data that has been entered. Thereby reducing the chance of data being entered incorrectly.
Create a form to record accidents and notifies parents (Parent Portal or email) - to replace the paper copy we currently use Instead of located in Student Manager, it could be in Medical Centre, but access will need to be granted to teachers Eithe...
It would be very beneficial to be able to upload/import new staff basic details (Title, Forename, Surname, gender etc) rather than having to go through the whole Wizard for every new staff member.
Be able to schedule an email to be sent students form/class for a specific time or date
It would be nice to be able to schedule an email to be sent to a form group or teaching group in case the teacher knows they will be off on a date to remind the students of this and to let them know any work that needs doing.
Selecting particular seating as starting point for individual exams.
Default to candidate number orderAdd to seating one exam at a timeStart an exam at specific seat numberAllow AA pupils to allocated separatelyCandidate list to be by exam and candidate number.
Email alert to Teachers/Tutor when Notes/Documents are added
It is not currently possible to send email notifications to tutors when a Note/Document has been added to a Student's record. We add notes and documents to Student Records in our Student Manager module and can see great benefit in an email alert b...
It would be great to make the URL or link in the bulletin body clickable, especially when we want to include a form for parents, such as a map or location for the trip.