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iSAMS / Ed:gen

Showing 2006 of 2006

Include Pastoral Flag in Student Quick View Details

The Student Quick View Details includes a box for Medical and SEN, would be useful this also includes Pastoral Flag.
Guest 3 months ago in Student Manager 2 Awaiting Review

Assign an email address to agency staff so they receive the published cover list

e.g. We have a supply teacher from and agency called 'Gillian Sabino' who has an email address '' - ideally when I publish cover, she would receive, vai email, the cover lessons relevant to her. Thanks Nigel
Guest 5 months ago in Cover Manager 1 In Discovery

Exam AA on student record

At the moment there is no way for teachers to easily view exam access arrangements on a student from their record. This would be really helpful. Are there any plans for this in the future please as this is a really basic function that we would exp...
Guest 5 months ago in Student Manager 1

Admissions Visit Name in Export Wizard

As a multidivisional foundation, we prefix our Admissions Visits with the division name to easily identify them and so that our Admissions team can each have their own school's events set up in the system. As iSAMS is already set up to allow Admis...
Guest 8 months ago in Admissions Manager 0 In Discovery

Updating Basic Detail on CTF import - option to update by field

When importing a CTF we have the option to update or not update the basic pupils of a pupil. We need the facility to decide which files are updated. We frequently receive the CTF after the pupil has arrived in school and there is already a basic r...
Guest 8 months ago in Student Manager 1 Good Feature

Ability to view amend and forget memorised auto-postings from a complete list of saved data

It would be good to have the ability to view, amend and forget memorised auto-postings from a pulled up list of 'all memorised postings' We have a few that have been auto-posted to the wrong place and due to the bulk of transactions we receive the...
Guest 8 months ago in iFinance 0 In Discovery

Show staff's photo in Parent Portal School Directory

We've received feedback from a parent suggesting that it would be helpful for them to see the teacher's photo during parent-teacher conferences. Since we already have staff photos in the HR Manager module, it would be great if we could have the op...
Guest 10 months ago in Parent Portal 0 In Discovery

Ability to Edit Timings for Future Abasence

Once a future absence has been added, you can edit the absence code and the note that accompanies it (in List View). However, you cannot edit the timings associated with it. You have to delete the absence and then completely re-enter it. It would ...
Guest 8 months ago in Registration Manager 0 Good Feature

Extra copy options for Email wizard in Student Manager

Please can we have an option to send a copy of the email to the House Mentor, Tutor or / and Head of Year ? Currently we have to look up who they are and then add them via the Select staff option. Its very time consuming
Guest 8 months ago in Student Manager 1 Awaiting Review

Report Data API to sync with other system

If it's possible to sync the report data with an API, that would be helpful. Currently, we're exporting and importing data manually into Power BI for analysis. Streamlining this process would enhance efficiency.
Guest 8 months ago in Online Assessment System 0 In Discovery