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iSAMS / Ed:gen

Showing 2006 of 2006

Gradebook Mark logs filtering

Adding a filter option in Gradebook mark log will be helpful as we can see who changes grades and this will be helpful specially we are a big school and constant changes in gradebook will help us track all the records.
Guest 11 months ago in Gradebooks 5 Good Feature

Fees bills to be viewed on the Parent Portal Mobile App

Parents typically use the Portal when using their mobile phone. Uploading bills to the parent portal is completely ineffective if not viewable on a mobile phone.
Guest 11 months ago in Parent Portal 4 Now

Enrolment date in Applicants details

Could you please allow enrolment date to be entered within the Applicant details tab and also show through to Pupil Manager. Our Admissions team currently have to view the applicant as 'Current' to be able to enter this information. Very frustrati...
Guest 11 months ago in Admissions Manager 2

Cloud Portal - Calendar

On the old calendar view on the Parent Portal you had the option to view a whole day, a whole week, a whole month, or a whole term. It would be great if those views were also available on the new cloud portal.
Guest 4 months ago in Parent Portal 0 In Discovery

Export fields or provide report

I want to be able to export the University from the Education tab of ‘Further Education’ under additional information section but apparently this is not available as an export field. Please make this available to export or provide a report we can ...
Guest 11 months ago in Census Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Off Games Manager Flag within Student Manager/Registration Manager like a student register

Off Games Manager Flag within Student Manager/Registration Manager like a student register We are currently looking at using the Off Games module and I was wondering if there was any way that an icon can show beside the pupils name on a register (...
Guest over 1 year ago in Off Games Manager 0 In Discovery

Adding 'Late' under the Ranges tab in the reports section of Registration Manager

In the Reports section of Registration Manager, under the 'Ranges' tab, it would be great if 'Lates' were added to the drop down. At the moment, if I want to run a report on all students who have been late at least 3 times in a week, I am currentl...
Guest 2 months ago in Registration Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Print Paper Register by Set list - just one day

We have several year 12 or 13 classes (different set lists) per period. As we often can only have two screens and two registers open at any one time we print off the set list by day. If we want to do a print paper register it prints off a whole gr...
Guest 2 months ago in Registration Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Tracking Manager - ability to control the logic behind the automatic Element Coding

Tracking Manager automatically generates an Element Name and Code based on the reporting data/gradebook data you are pulling in. If you pull in "Effort 1" from a Report Manager template, it will be abbreviated to "Eff AD T1/24". "AD" being the sub...
Guest 2 months ago in Tracking Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Ability to select multiple detentions

When putting a pupil in detention, we would like to be able to select more than one detention, currently we are adding the detentions to the pupil one at a time.
Guest 2 months ago in Discipline Manager 2