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iSAMS / Ed:gen

Showing 2006 of 2006

Save amendments automatically

It would be great if amendments anywhere on a student's record could be automatically saved without having to press 'save', or alternatively if a reminder that navigating away from a page before a change has been saved will result in this data bei...
Guest 20 days ago in Student Profiles 0 Awaiting Review

Add tick box for 'Ear Defenders' and 'Coloured Paper' in external access arrangements

A significant number of our students have Ear Defenders and a few need coloured paper / overlays (which is different from colour naming) as part of their access arrangements. While we can detail these additional needs in the Arrangement Notes free...
Guest 20 days ago in External Exams Manager 0 Now

Manually add exam duration in External Exams Manager

Some external assessments eg BTEC Level 3 Nationals external units do not have the date, time and duration on the exam board base data as they are centre timetabled (within a window). I can add the date and start time manually in the Programme Tim...
Guest 20 days ago in External Exams Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Electronic forms quick view status for parents

At the start of every year parents have numerous forms to complete in the parent portal. Many of our parents have commented that they are unsure which forms they have completed and which ones they still need to do. Would it be possible to include ...
Guest about 1 month ago in Parent Portal 0 Awaiting Review

Former Pupil 'Enrolment School Year' Date Options

We use the Former Pupil Tab for our Alumni database, the option for 'Enrolment School Year' does not go back far enough and is not consistent, on one record it starts at 1994/95 and then another it starts at 1943/44 and then jumps to 1994/95, assu...
Guest about 1 month ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Period boxes in leave request

Leave request: Period boxes for parents to tick would be very helpful and make the tool much more efficient.
Guest about 1 month ago in Parent Portal 0 Awaiting Review

Copy all contact details

Currently, the Contacts tab for a student has a copy button that only copies the contact's name and address. It would be really helpful if it also copied the email and phone number.
Guest about 1 month ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Default GL Code for Item Invoices/AP Inbox

Please could a default GL Code for supplier invoices be made available for the Item Invoice/AP Inbox function. It would greatly improve processing speed if you could as we have a large number of suppliers that are only ever put to one code. It alr...
Guest about 2 months ago in iFinance 0 Awaiting Review

Family Tree 2 Dads or 2 Mums

We have more situations where students have two parents of the same sex. Currently the only function within the Student Manager/Contacts and Family Tree is to have a mother and a father. It would be excellent if this could be made changeable to se...
Guest 3 months ago in Student Manager 0 Later

Allow additional role types in Leave request

In some large schools with multiple divisions, it is the academic secretary who authorises absence. In the Leave Request settings, you can only add form tutor, pastoral tutor etc. the ability to forward all leave requests to a member of the admin ...
Guest 11 months ago in Registration Manager 2 In Discovery