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Showing 2002 of 2002

Address column on export wizard

When creating a physical address report on Export Wizard it duplicates the learner's information across 2 to 3 lines making it hard to get accurate data. This needs to be populated on one column with addresses on the same line as the forenames and...
Guest 3 months ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

Bulk portal publishing and unpublishing

We've noticed that archiving Gradebooks doesn't remove the parent portal publishing (but it does the report mapping) which is slightly nonsensical. This means that parent portal publishing needs to be removed from over 500 archived gradebooks. Bul...
Guest 11 months ago in Gradebooks 3 Now

Re-using Contacts in different families with different realtionship

What if a father of one student is the stepfather of another one? or an emergency contact for one student is just a friend of the parents but she is also a mother of another student? We have contacts that are related to other families in a way tha...
Guest 9 months ago in Student Manager 3 In Discovery

Sync transposed value to reports

It would be useful to be able to sync the transposed value to the reports rather than the original. For example, I have a Gradebook with 4 columns: Term 1 Grade Term 2 Grade Term 2 Grade Overall Grade The Overall Grade is a calculated column that ...
Guest 3 months ago in Gradebooks 1 Now

Fee Billing suggested auto post

We collect hundreds of direct Debits every term. We can bulk upload the collected direct debit receipts and then the system auto matches based on what has already been memorized. But we then still have to go into each billing account (of about 900...
Guest about 1 month ago in Fee Billing 1 Now

Amending BI / analysis code

It's very frustrating that we can't correct postings once they are processed. For example if a purchase invoice is incorrectly posted to a BI code it's not possible to change it. It's also not possible to delete it either - only reverse it. These ...
Guest 10 months ago in iFinance 6 Good Feature

Electronic forms quick view status for parents

At the start of every year parents have numerous forms to complete in the parent portal. Many of our parents have commented that they are unsure which forms they have completed and which ones they still need to do. Would it be possible to include ...
Guest about 1 month ago in Parent Portal 0 Awaiting Review

Former Pupil 'Enrolment School Year' Date Options

We use the Former Pupil Tab for our Alumni database, the option for 'Enrolment School Year' does not go back far enough and is not consistent, on one record it starts at 1994/95 and then another it starts at 1943/44 and then jumps to 1994/95, assu...
Guest about 1 month ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Period boxes in leave request

Leave request: Period boxes for parents to tick would be very helpful and make the tool much more efficient.
Guest about 1 month ago in Parent Portal 0 Awaiting Review

Copy all contact details

Currently, the Contacts tab for a student has a copy button that only copies the contact's name and address. It would be really helpful if it also copied the email and phone number.
Guest about 1 month ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review