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Showing 2005 of 2005

To add validation for Start Time field and End Time field

'- both fields can't have the same value- End Time field can't be left empty This is because I do notice some events had Start Time but no End Time and also got the same value for both fields. I want to prevent users from making the same mistakes.
Guest about 1 year ago in Calendar Manager 0 Good Feature

Could there be an option for reports being a voice note?

Could there be an option for reports being a voice note? We are looking for ways to make our reporting processes more efficient. This would potentially save on proof reading time and add a different kind of personal touch.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Reports Wizard 0 Good Feature

Gradebooks - The ability to bulk lock Pupil Allocations across multiple Gradebooks.

No description provided
Guest over 2 years ago in Gradebooks 1 Now

Gradebooks - The ability to copy Gradebooks once archived.

No description provided
Guest over 2 years ago in Gradebooks 1 Now

Is there a way if we could pull a report on a student with one button where we could have all their progress reports, attendance reports, et

Is there a way if we could pull a report on a student with one button where we could have all their progress reports, attendance reports, etc? In short, one central location where all reports relating to a pupil can be downloaded at the same time?
Guest about 1 year ago in Student Manager 1

Rewards and Conducts should display all categories by default and categories links should clearly display

We have 2 different reward types separately for Secondary and Primary. The current display cause many confusing for our parents. When a parent check the child in secondary, the parent portal website looks like there is no rewards record for this c...
Guest about 1 year ago in Parent Portal 0 In Discovery

Update Current Education property through the API

We would like to have the ability to update the Current Education property, as seen in the attached screenshot, via the API. Currently, this is not possible.
Guest 7 months ago in Batch API 0 Awaiting Review

Data Verification

It would be useful for there to be a function that could produce all contact and relevant student information for parents to validate. This could be via an email that could be sent to all contacts with their address etc and any required student fi...
Guest 7 months ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Unspecified Category Created When Spreadsheet Imported

The Calendar Manager module has a spreadsheet import process. One of the side effects of using this method is that an Unspecified category is created. That category is created even if every event in the spreadsheet has an available category assign...
Guest 7 months ago in Calendar Manager 0 Good Feature

Default/All Users Permissions in Older Modules Granular Permissions.

When a security group is added older modules like Student Manager, they get blanket access across the module, unless their user group is targeted in the granular permissions. This makes it far to easy to miss users out. You can check your permissi...
Guest 7 months ago in Control Panel 0 In Discovery