I imagine many people would benefit from it as it allows for greater flexibility in scraping information for various tasks. For us in particular it would make a lot of positive sense and would be a key factor in us choosing to invest a lot more time in Gradebooks.
Thank you for your feedback. We will be updating the Gradebook APIs over the next 8 to 12 months. Currently, the Gradebooks module is undergoing changes as we work to transition the management and creation of Gradebooks to Curriculum Manager. In Curriculum Manager, you'll be able to manage and allocate Gradebooks to multiple sets simultaneously.
Once this round of development is complete, we will be updating our batch APIs and adding and amending our developer documentation to represent these changes. We are also actively collaborating with multiple LMS providers to enhance integration, enabling schools to benefit from smoother enrollment of pupils in classes via an LMS and seamless retrieval of meaningful grades back into iSAMS for reporting.
I’ll mark this feature as "Next" in our queue. Please feel free to provide additional feedback or add comments if there’s further context you’d like to share.
Thank you again for your feedback.
We have started that process using Rest API to import grades from a third party system, with some initial success.