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Status Good Feature
Categories Calendar Manager
Created by Guest
Created on May 2, 2024

Unspecified Category Created When Spreadsheet Imported

The Calendar Manager module has a spreadsheet import process. One of the side effects of using this method is that an Unspecified category is created.

That category is created even if every event in the spreadsheet has an available category assigned to it.

Once this category has been created, it can be used by staff when entering events through the front end. In addition to this, it is not possible to remove this category from the front end once it has been created.

We have set up the categories on our system so that there is no Miscellaneous category as we want all events to have meaningful assignments. The creation of the Unspecified category is something that interferes with this.

It would be great if the spreadsheet import process didn't create this Unspecified category.

I appreciate that might be necessary if an event is being imported that doesn't have an appropriately assigned category. In this case, it would be helpful if the spreadsheet import process produced a warning indicating this so that the end user was in a position to see whether they wanted to proceed with the import.

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