We recently discovered that no emails were sent from ISAMS 27th March 11am to 10pm+ due to an ISAMS outage with IRIS/Edgen and Twilio/SendGrid. I believe all ISAMS customers were effected.
There is no easy way to be alerted to this without painstakingly going through the Outbound Email Audit page until you see the errored emails. This is painful because the system knows that the emails did not send (but does not tell you this, you have to dig).
Could the Outbound Email Audit page we updated so that you can filter down to just failed emails (Those with the exclamation mark?)
Further improvements could include:
1) Some kind of warning visible to users/admins when they log in or visit the control panel (So that you do not have to search every day for failures, but are alerted to them in a timely manner). Obviously email alerts are unlikely to be helpful.
2) Proactive communications from ISAMS support/dev to customers/sysadmins so that they can take action at the time, rather than later when people have already had the pain of missed communications and asked IT to investigate unsent emails.
3) Could the communication tab within student profile also get the treatment to show if emails failed to send? Teaching staff/users will not have access to the control panel, but they may send emails and then check in here to see if they were sent. Other than sysadmins with access to control panel, users were none the wiser that emails had not been sent (ISAMS incorrectly reports them as sent, when the control panel outbound email log knows full well they were not sent). Teachers send the bulk of comms naturally, IT/Sysadmins do not.
Many thanks,
Scott Woodcock
Radley College IT Dept.
01235 543037