When a concern is generated, you should be able to notify specific people, and include the info for that concern in the notification email.
Currently, every form tutor gets notified about a Year 3 (for example) concern, when it would be better to inform only the Year 3 form tutor.
I find that the vague notification email sent to all staff means nobody reacts to it, because it probably isn't relevant to them!
If the Wellbeing Module were to truly be used for Wellbeing and not just Safeguarding, it really needs to allow different concerns to be sent to individuals in specific roles in the same way as the Rewards in Reward and Conduct.
e.g., in our Reward and Conduct, if a teacher creates a Pastoral Note for a pupil, it goes to the Deputy Head Pastoral, the HoY and HM - but only the HoY and HM relevant to that pupils: not all of the HMs or all of the Heads of Year as would be the case with Concern Groups in Wellbeing Manager.
The Wellbeing module is supposed to lock down information to those who specifically need it, but the way that concerns notifications are sent, they go to EVERYONE in that role rather than the target. This is problematic/inappropriate when the person in one of the roles may be the parent of the pupil involved.
Please could this be looked at?
We have been using Reward and Conduct to send Pastoral and Academic Notes on pupils as we can target them to specific roles and individuals, e.g., House Master, Head of Year, Form Tutor, Deputy Head Pastoral, Deputy Head Academic, Counsellor, etc. If this were possible in Safeguarding, then particular Concerns could be targetted to the specific individuals we want to deal with them without the need to add specific names.