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iSAMS / Ed:gen

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Visit Types - give ability to define the colour coding for different Visit Types

Currently, the diary appointments in the Medical Centre module are only coded as ORANGE for General Appointments and GREEN for Follow-up Appointments. We have various Visit Types that support our medical centre processes and we'd like the ability ...
Guest about 2 years ago in Medical Centre 0 In Discovery

View a timetable at an earlier date in the academic year.

We have had students change/drop subjects and also changes to teacher's timetables. It would be really useful to have a date option, to roll back to an earlier date in the academic year and view their timetable.
Guest about 2 years ago in Timetable Manager 0 In Discovery

Record Collection - Adding More Than 10 Child Elements

At the moment, we can only create a max of 10 child elements. We would like to be able to add more so these export nicely to Excel.
Guest about 2 years ago in Student Registers 0 In Discovery

Ability to Search by Deposit Date with Query Builder

Within Query Builder there is an entry for Deposit Date under the main list of pupil fields. However, this is a legacy field and does not contain the actual deposit information. Although there are a couple of fields listed under Fee Billing, Depos...
Guest over 1 year ago in Admissions Manager 0 In Discovery

Include Staff Personal Email in Batch API

We would like to pull in personal emails into third party systems like Firefly's School Post so that we can email staff personal emails in high importance circumstances. Similar functionality exists for staff personal mobile numbers.
Guest 9 months ago in Batch API 0 In Discovery

Deactivate built-in register, e.g. Free School Meals

It doesn't seem possible to deactivate any of the built-in registers, e.g. Looked After and Free School Managers. We don't use those registers, so it would be useful to be able to deactivate them, so they do not appear in the drop-down list.
Guest about 2 years ago in Student Registers 0 In Discovery

Allow staff to access bulk printing and grading matrix without access to portal publishing.

I have given our teachers access to Report printing so they can use Bulk printing as a good way of seeing who has written what in the reports and using the grading matrix. However, how do I block them from seeing the Portal Publishing
Guest about 2 years ago in Report Printing 0 In Discovery

Include option to see Set Codes listed alphabetically on the Create Suspension screen?

Usually, what we need to do is suspend all lessons of a class (eg 1A/En, 1A/Fr, 1A/Hi, 1A/Rs). It would be much quicker to do this if they were listed like this rather than by subject. Normally whole forms are out for a day and it's slow to scroll...
Guest over 1 year ago in Cover Manager 0 In Discovery

cover manager should attach the cover lesson to the cover teachers timetable so that register can be taken that way.

When a teacher is put on cover, the cover lesson should appear on their timetable so that the cover teacher can take register as they normally would.
Guest about 2 years ago in Cover Manager 0 In Discovery

Track parental engagement on the portal and with reports

We would like to track how many of our parents actually view their child's report each term on the portal.
Guest about 2 years ago in Parent Portal 0 In Discovery