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iSAMS / Ed:gen

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Manually add communication to a applicant without having to do it through iSAMS

As there isn't an integration to make newsletter type emails, the only way to do this would be to use another software. But then there is no record on iSAMS that they would have been contacted this way. I would be good to have an option to add tha...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Admissions Manager 0 In Discovery

Email the feeder schools

At present you can only write and print labels to the feeder schools. Please can we also email them with an Email Wizard? This would aid our communication within iSAMS thank you
Guest about 5 years ago in Admissions Manager 0 In Discovery

Allow the option to change drop down menu on Built in Stage Assessment Gradebooks (KS2)

Allow the option to change drop down menu on built in stage assessment gradebooks. This would be helpful in all gradebooks, but especially KS2. They should match the DFE Coding which is: GDS Working at greater depth EXS Working at the expected sta...
Guest 6 months ago in Gradebooks 0 In Discovery

Custom filters into Registration manager -- Reports.

Sort pupils by custom filters into Registration manager at tab Reports(by any reports).
Guest almost 2 years ago in Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

Enable Teacher Cover Rota to be viewed via iTeacher App

When a manual Teacher Cover Rota is in place, it would be beneficial to be able to view this via the iTeacher app in order to be able to email the timetabled teachers directly and arrange last minute cover if away from your desk.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Cover Manager 0 In Discovery

Ability to automatically optimise outbound emails for mobile devices

In this day and age it seems a shame that the outbound emails are not yet optimised for mobile devices.
Guest 6 months ago in Control Panel 0 In Discovery

Search bar with Surname / Forename under Wellbeing Manager Dashboard Overview tab

Creating a Search bar with Surname / Forename under Wellbeing Manager Dashboard Overview tab would help for a quick search to have the required pupil rather than the whole list. The search bar could go on the left hand side above the word 'student...
Guest over 2 years ago in Wellbeing Manager 0 In Discovery

Events list on Parent Portal homepage

We think it would be useful for the Parent Portal homescreen to show a list of upcoming events that are in the school calendar rather than just what is happening today. It would also add to the look and feel to be able to assign icons to the event...
Guest 6 months ago in Parent Portal 0 In Discovery

Unsend emails

It would be very useful to be able to delete / unsend / recall individual or batch emails once they have been sent in cases where an error is made or information changes.
Guest 6 months ago in Communications 0 In Discovery

Academic House to be changed to a single-selection field so it can be included in reports

I have just been told in ticket (#593632 that the reason we cannot export the field "Academic House" in the "Export Staff Records" in HR Manager is because this field allows multiple options to be ticke...
Guest over 1 year ago in HR Manager 0 In Discovery