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iSAMS / Ed:gen

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Parent Portal Attendance Registration Status

Hi iSAMS. In Parent Portal - Attendance you can see that your kid is absent in some day. But a few parents have asked the reason for the absence, because it doesn't appear. So, it would be possible to add the Registration Status that we use in the...
Guest 10 months ago in Parent Portal 0 In Discovery

Little bugs in admissions portal

There are a few bugs in the admissions portal and it would improve the proespective parent experience if they could be resolved. 1.) When moving from enquiry to registration there are some weird little lookup errors - Under Parent details a blank ...
Guest 10 months ago in Admissions Portal 0 In Discovery

Leave form for staff

Good day. Wanted to ask if in HR manager can we have a form or way in which staff can apply for leave instead of filling a paper and submitting it.
Guest 7 months ago in HR Manager 0 In Discovery

Report Wizard

Could you please let me know if it is possible that the current data for Attendance, Rewards, Consequences (Red + Deadline) by students could be added to the report writing module when tutors write their tutor reports? It comes up on the final rep...
Guest 7 months ago in Reports Wizard 0 In Discovery

Report Cycles across Academic Years

It would be helpful if a Report Cycle could run across academic years. This would be beneficial to our UCAS reference procedure where references are completed in the Summer Term of Year 12 and edited / amended in the Autumn Term of Year 13.
Guest over 1 year ago in Reports Manager 1 In Discovery

Pupil timetable: Export the whole year in .ics format, not one term at a time

At the moment, when students want to import their timetable (.ics) in their calendar, the exported files only contain information for one term. It would be great if the export file could include the whole year, so that pupils do not need to do the...
Guest 3 months ago in Timetable Manager 0 In Discovery

Parent portal- Electronic form- data merge fields for pupil selector

When a parent selects Child A, will the associated form name, yeargroup and tutor names be auto populate, so that the parent does not input here or cause mistakes while inputting these info. The reason being, the parents do not enter the correct d...
Guest 10 months ago in Parent Portal 0 In Discovery

Notes and Reports to be in chronological order

Previously on SEN Manager when you added notes (on the notes tab) or uploaded documents to the reports tab, it asked for a date and would put them in chronological order. On the new Student Registers it just just puts them in order of when you add...
Guest over 1 year ago in Student Registers 0 In Discovery

Ability to set an alert on missing mark for a specific pupil

We have a pupil with a serious medical issue where there is a chance of an issue arising at any time, including break or between lessons. We would like to be able to set up an alert so that if his register is late, or the group is submitted with a...
Guest over 1 year ago in Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

Map Column Mean to the Reports

At the moment, the mean score appears as a "display item" at the bottom of a column, so it's not possible to map this value to the reports. We would like to display the year group mean on reports. It also seems that it's not possible to create a c...
Guest 10 months ago in Gradebooks 0 In Discovery