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iSAMS / Ed:gen

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Private widget on parent portal homepage

I like the fact the new homepage is viewable without needing to sign into the portal but it would be great when adding in a new widget there could be an option added to make it private and only viewable when a user signs in.
Guest 4 months ago in Parent Portal 0 Awaiting Review

Using custom groups to EXCLUDE pupils from Fee Allocation Rules

When setting up a Fee Allocation Rule, you specify which attributes a pupil must have in order for the fee to apply. One of these attributes is membership of a custom group. It would be extremely useful to be able to explicitly exclude pupils who ...
Guest 8 months ago in Fee Billing 0 Good Feature


It is a statutory requirement for our students to have a UPN, which is allocated at Primary level if they have attended a state Primary School. We have this data but we cannot get it into Edgen without asking the Technical Team to do it.
Guest over 1 year ago in Student Manager 1 In Discovery

Ability to search grades by student.

I would like have ability to search students grades as a search teacher gradebooks. For example, If I want watch the progress or grades for any students i would like only search that student and not by teacher and their all gradebooks.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Gradebooks 0 Good Feature

Could room availabilities which have been added via Timetable Manager also show in room timetables in the app?

Please could room availabilities which have been added via Timetable Manager also show in room timetables in the app? We block out time in the school hall for fixed slots in the week which are added via Timetable Manager and staff can check the ro...
Guest over 1 year ago in Teacher Portal 0 In Discovery

Email notification when a parent completes "Request a Callback"

We should be notified when a parent completes the "Request a Callback" form rather than having to check iSAMS several times a day to see if anyone has used the function.
Guest over 2 years ago in Admissions Portal 0 In Discovery

Little bugs in admissions portal

There are a few bugs in the admissions portal and it would improve the proespective parent experience if they could be resolved. 1.) When moving from enquiry to registration there are some weird little lookup errors - Under Parent details a blank ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Admissions Portal 0 In Discovery

Display a warning if portal publishing will not show to parents

Most of our report cycles start in Online Assessment and move to Report Wizard for proof reading and publishing to the portal. For Y12, they only get grades and I forgot to switch it to Report Wizard before publishing. While the process ran succes...
Guest 8 months ago in Report Printing 1 In Discovery

Catalogue/download of available icons

When creating a new student register, in order to assign a relevant icon, you need to navigate through multiple pages of thousands of tiny images. It would be fantastic if there was a way we could view these from the support centre/help pages. Som...
Guest 9 months ago in Student Registers 0 Awaiting Review

Timetable Spreadsheet Options

It would be useful to have more options when exporting the Full Timetable, by year group, division etc
Guest almost 3 years ago in Timetable Manager 0 In Discovery