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Teaching Manager

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Associated Teachers for Subjects Taught in Forms

The feature to add an associated teacher exists for subjects taught in Set only, please add it to subjects taught in Forms too.
Guest about 1 year ago in Teaching Manager 0 Good Feature

Allowing preselected options on other tabs when running Teaching Set Lists

Currently when you run the Teaching Set Lists, options for what teachers can see may only be preselected off the standard tab. Now you have introduced pupil registers it would be very useful to be able to preselect options from other tabs that now...
Guest over 1 year ago in Teaching Manager 0 In Discovery

Easier Linking of Sets

There are two places where you can link sets to one another. The first screen where you can link sets is where you have clicked the Edit button to edit the details for an existing set. There are are filtering options to drill down to particular su...
Guest 5 months ago in Teaching Manager 1 Good Feature

Avoiding putting students in more than one set

There is nothing to prevent a student being inadvertently put into more than one set in a year group for a particular subject. It would be really useful if this could be blocked, or a flag be given, or a pop-up warning or a coloured line in the Ad...
Guest about 3 years ago in Teaching Manager 0 Good Feature

Ability to Bulk Edit Teachers for Sets

We swap our timetables for internal assessments and, as part of this process, we create sets to function as examination groups. We timetable these sets so that staff can be assigned for invigilation and registration purposes. However, these teache...
Guest 7 months ago in Teaching Manager 0 In Discovery

Linking HoDs/HoSs to a particular division

So that External Exams works in multi-divisional systems, the Departments and Subjects need to be shared across divisions. This means that HoS at one division can access the HoS reporting of another division, and also that HoS/HoD of all divisions...
Guest 7 months ago in Teaching Manager 0 In Discovery

Notification for associated teachers

Notification for associated teachers. Currently, Teaching Manager > Configuration > Email the Old Teacher(s). / Email the New Teacher(s). not include associated teachers. Can it be included?
Guest over 1 year ago in Teaching Manager 0 In Discovery

Can you please add an option to DELETE ALL CURRENT SETS and REPLACE WITH NEW SETS by using the spreadsheet under Teaching Manager please

I have found that it is easy enough to use the spreadsheet under Teaching Manager > Import > Import sets to create sets in bulk for multiple students, even for all the students in the school. However, there is no easy way to "undo" this. It ...
Guest about 2 years ago in Teaching Manager 1 Next

"Add to Set" to include a set count

A student needs to be added to a set with the minimum set count. Year 10 options the lowest of two Geography classes or Alevel Maths but there are three classes running and so on.... I add all possible set and remove the largest ones, or I go and ...
Guest about 3 years ago in Teaching Manager 0 Good Feature

Custom Reports section in Teaching Manager

It would be more appropriate to allocate teaching manager related custom reports under Teaching Manager module instead of allocating in Pupil Manager or other modules. Especially if there are custom reports for Subject Options which can be confide...
Guest 10 months ago in Teaching Manager 1 In Discovery