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Teaching Manager

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Add Pupils School Emails to Teaching Sets Extract - Wizard Bar

In the Wizard Bar, under Teaching Manager, staff can do a quick extract of their set lists. It would be very useful if student school emails was added to the list of limited fields that are available for them to extract.
Guest 4 months ago in Teaching Manager 0 In Discovery

Complete Teacher replacement data transfer

Hello, it would be very useful if there is a function whereby if a teacher leaves and is replaced by another, that we can completely replace them on iSAMS. At the moment we can transfer over a TimeTable but the other modules become manual work. Gr...
Guest 11 months ago in Teaching Manager 2 Now

Add Student School ID Code to the View Teaching Set Lists of the drop-down menu for Excel export

All data used by admin teams refers to the unique School ID of the students. At the moment when we want to export sets we have to do this one by one via the students manager selecting one set each time. All teachers and all Heads of Department hav...
Guest 8 months ago in Teaching Manager 0 In Discovery

Granular Export of Pupil Registers on "View Teaching Set Lists"

We would like to be able to export various data points on any pupil register through the "View Teaching Set Lists" function in the wizard bar. Currently, data from built-in pupil registers such as "looked after" or "special educational needs" allo...
Guest 6 months ago in Teaching Manager 0 In Discovery

Allow permissions to the module by subject

Our teachers are not given permissions for the Teaching Manager module as this is managed by the operations and data team. We are looking to allow our games staff access so that they can maintain their groups themselves. It would be really helpful...
Guest over 1 year ago in Teaching Manager 2 Next

Set rollover action in bulk

For the purposes of rollover, it would be very useful and save a lot of time to be able to select a rollover action for multiple sets over multiple subjects at the same time, instead of having to select a rollover action for each set independently.
Guest over 1 year ago in Teaching Manager 1 Next

Import sets to Teaching Manager with subjects and year groups

When adding untimetabled sets through Teaching Manager, I can import a set list without pupils, but as the import wizard progresses I have to manually set the subject code, year, block, teacher and description for each row. It would be brilliant i...
Guest 4 months ago in Teaching Manager 0 Good Feature

Linked teachers emailed about set changes

Currently only staff of teaching groups that a student is explicitly added to are notified. If classes are linked, the teachers of linked classes are not informed.
Guest 12 months ago in Teaching Manager 0 In Discovery

Teaching Manager - be able to see the History for a whole year and not just a Term.

Administrators who put courses in Ed-Gen and then need to change details when a student drops a course and takes up another one.
Guest over 1 year ago in Teaching Manager 0 In Discovery

Changing the Status for Learning Aims to Completed with an Actual End Date

It is a reqirement of the October Census that we record the Learning Aims for all our stduents which included a Planned End Date. It is also a requirement that the Acual End Date is entered for every Learning Aim with a reason. When students drop ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Teaching Manager 2 Good Feature