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Student Manager

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A way to run Lost Property in School

To tell pupils what un-named items have been handed in to Lost Property To allow pupils to tell Lost Property what they have lost
Guest 29 days ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

County Dropdown Visible

Please make the County dropdown appear all the time. I have configured a global list of Malaysia counties with corresponding codes for each county. This is statutory requirement for einvoice implementation in Malaysia. User is required to choose o...
Guest about 1 month ago in Student Manager 1 In Discovery

Ability to bulk update contact records

If the ability to bulk update pupil records exists, then there should also be an ability to bulk update contact records. Currently, schools have to painstakingly update contacts records individually which is very time consuming.
Guest 6 months ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

Include Associate Teachers when using Contact Pupil Teachers Wizard

Using the contact pupil's teachers wizard via the wizard bar will only contact primary teachers of a set. It would be useful to include a checkbox OR by default include marked associated teachers of teaching sets as important emails are being miss...
Guest about 2 months ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

Bulk uploading of photocopier scans into 'Documents'

SIMS integrates with Sharp photocopiers via software called DMS which allows office staff to bulk scan lots of documents such as consent forms, intake forms, etc., and automatically upload them into the Documents area of the MIS. It would be usefu...
Guest 11 months ago in Student Manager 2

Add ALL as an option for default P/S

When I do a search and set the page size to ALL it persists for the rest of the session, but if I close the session and reopen it it then reverts back to the default (maximum 100). Could the list of options for the default be the same list we get ...
Guest 2 months ago in Student Manager 1 Awaiting Review

Address column on export wizard

When creating a physical address report on Export Wizard it duplicates the learner's information across 2 to 3 lines making it hard to get accurate data. This needs to be populated on one column with addresses on the same line as the forenames and...
Guest 3 months ago in Student Manager 0 In Discovery

Re-using Contacts in different families with different realtionship

What if a father of one student is the stepfather of another one? or an emergency contact for one student is just a friend of the parents but she is also a mother of another student? We have contacts that are related to other families in a way tha...
Guest 9 months ago in Student Manager 3 In Discovery

Former Pupil 'Enrolment School Year' Date Options

We use the Former Pupil Tab for our Alumni database, the option for 'Enrolment School Year' does not go back far enough and is not consistent, on one record it starts at 1994/95 and then another it starts at 1943/44 and then jumps to 1994/95, assu...
Guest about 1 month ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Copy all contact details

Currently, the Contacts tab for a student has a copy button that only copies the contact's name and address. It would be really helpful if it also copied the email and phone number.
Guest about 1 month ago in Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review