Publishing cover printouts automatically to Daily Bulletin Manager
I would like to be able to publish from Cover Manager directly to the Daily Bulletin rather than saving a PDF printout and manually creating a new bulletin post each day. Rather than staff just seeing their own cover, they can see the cover overvi...
Exam invigilators (both Internal and External exams) linked with cover Manager, so teachers can be assigned and shows up on their timetable.
The ability to assign invigilators to the exams on both modules, and this linked to Cover Manager so it can be assigned there and shows up on teachers timetables on iSAMs.
Seating Plans links to Room cover in Cover Manager
When doing seating plans, the room that is being used should be linked with the cover manager. This was when doing cover that room can be re-roomed. Otherwise this is double work and if you forget to add it, chaos on the day of the exam.